Happy September!
I'm going to make more of an effort this month to update. It will be a lot easier now that the work is in to the gallery. I'm working on an animation of one of the paintings coming together, that I'll post on here in the next little while.
I've given myself a bit of time to go through some favorite art and design blogs lately. It's nice to catch up and see what people have been working on.
I've had my eye on the work of Will Cotton for a little while. He creates the most wonderful portraits of girls in dreamy, candy-coated landscapes, (like above; the cover for Katy Perry's newest album). I've only been familiar with his work for a short time, but it's love. It makes me want to make an attempt at portraiture with oils next. That will be a goal before the year is up. Paint a portrait in oils.
He's also got a temporary bakery set up, full of beautiful confections at Partners & Spade in NYC.
A good school friend contacted me this morning. It's been a while since we last ran in to each other, so it was so nice to hear from him! His name is Jeff Garcia, and he's been working on a lot of different projects in the last few years. He silkscreens and creates 3D and interactive work. One of my favorite projects he worked on in the last year was a video for one of my favorite bands, Ohbijou. I believe I've posted it before, but I'm posting it again! It's really beautiful.
He also sent me a link to the installation work he created on a recent trip to Japan, which is really wonderful. I love this set of photos.
I've been working on a couple of commissions, trying to catch up after finishing my last set of oil paintings. It's such a change working in watercolour again! It's sort of refreshing to switch back and forth. I'll be sure and post those when they've been safely delivered.