I love visiting the Farmer's Market on Thursdays. Right now it's tomato season, so I picked up a big basket of heirloom tomatoes. I can't wait to use them.If you know a good salsa recipe, please let me know.
I went to the Market to take a break from a large painting I've been working on for a couple of weeks now. It's very detailed. Which I usually love, but this one seems to be giving me a bit of trouble. When I finish, I'll post a photo of it here and on Flickr.
Last weekend we had a surprise party thrown for us, (Chris Buchan and I), for our engagement. It was the most fun, and we got to see a lot of people that we don't get to see very often. One of those people was Tania Sanhueza, an artist that I met while working at Magic Pony. She brought us one of her burrowing owl soft sculptures, which I've been coveting since the day I laid eyes on them. So thanks to Tania, and thanks to all of our wonderful friends that came to wish us well in the Park.
When Chris got home last night he had a treat for us. Nick got back from visiting his family and brought some home-raised eggs! They're beautiful! I love the different shades of white-to-brown. They look so lovely.
If you know me well, you'll know that I love listening to audiobooks while I work. Right now I'm just about to start listening to "A Complicated Kindness" by Miriam Toews. I've read it before, and I remember really liking it, but that's all that I remember about it. I'll let you know how it goes.