October 1st 2010
September 30th 2010
September 27th 2010

Some beautiful oil paintings from Christer Karlstad.
September 24th 2010

I had an exciting day yesterday.
September 15th 2010

I haven't been posting much in the last few days because I've been under the weather. But regardless, I'm slowly working away on some fun projects, including some commissions and an illustration for the upcoming Uppercase Work/Life 2 book.
September 10th 2010

the dazzle at narwhal
Originally uploaded by fieldguided
Last night was the most fun!
The show looked fantastic, and the gallery was crowded with friends, old and new, family and colleagues all evening. The work worked together so well! It seemed to me that each artist has a sense of the collector in them, and so that was brought out in each piece of work.
Anabela posted some beautiful photos on her blog, Fieldguided and Flickr. If you click through the above image, you can see the full set of photos on Flickr.
I just want to thank everyone who was able to make it out last night, and those well-wishers that I heard from before and after the show. It was a wonderful evening, and I'm thrilled with the exhibition.
The show will be up at Narwhal until October 17th, so if you're in the area and weren't able to make it out last night, you have some time to go and be Dazzled.
September 9th 2010