Firstly, I'd like to thank the generous donor that helped support a wonderful cause in the Gulf Fundraiser and bought my painting. There are still some incredible pieces of artwork available through the ML4U online shop, so please visit! The shop is up for another six days!
Today, I've been varnishing the first of a series of oil paintings I've been working on, and the fumes caused me to open my windows wide. It's so beautiful out today! I should be out there! But there's no time for frolicking today. Only time for fumes.
The photos above are of the varnish on the painting drying. I've set it leaning with the painting side in so that the dust doesn't get at it.
I'm finally beginning to really get in to painting with oils again. I'll admit, I've been working at them for months and wasn't sure how I felt about them, but working steadily on my third painting; I feel like they're looking the way I really want them to. I'm actually quite happy with them! I wish I could post my progress, but I'm going to save that for the end of August when the show goes up.
I've been documenting the process of one particular painting by taking a photo of it every day that I work on it. The reason I decided to do this was that the paintings consist of one finished painting being covered up almost entirely with a new layer of painting. This will make sense later when I post them, and I'll try to include a video of the progress happening.
I hope everyone's enjoying a beautiful day out there!